What is less salary complaint letter?
A complaint about less salary transferred this month is a letter written by the employee who has not received the right amount of salary for a specific month. It is addressed to the employer, HR department, or the account/finance department of the organization. In this letter, the employee notifies the addressee about the issue and launches a complaint about receiving a lower salary in his account.
An employee may receive less amount of salary in a month for various reasons, such as:
- The account department made a genuine mistake.
- The bank made a mistake.
- The employee’s salary has been increased from that month, but due to incomplete paperwork or the account. department’s unawareness, the salary was transferred based on the old salary amount.
- The employee incorrectly estimated his salary amount. For instance, he included the additional incentives, bonuses, commissions etc., in his salary, and was expecting to receive the additional money of that month with his salary. However, the company would transfer the extra money after the client or bank clearance or any other operational procedures.
When a letter of less salary received is written?
When this letter is being written, the employee would include all the relevant details, the issue, and his complaint, keeping the company policies in view. However, generally, such complaint letters include the following details:
- Date.
- Employer details.
- Employee details.
- The issue of less salary amount transferred in the specific month.
- The details of the salary, e.g. its amount, any changes, promotions, etc.
- Complaint.
- Possible reasons behind the mistake, if any.
- State any similar incidents.
- Any attached documents as evidence for salary verification, and to check the difference between the salary and the transferred amount.
- Seek cooperation and rectification.
When the employee sends this letter, the employer counterchecks it to see the issue’s validity. If the employee is correct, and the organization has made a mistake, the employer would send a response letter, apologize, and rectify the mistake. And, if there has been a misunderstanding on part of the employee, an explanation letter is written to him to clear that misunderstanding.
However, while writing this letter, the employee should be certain that his issue is valid, and he is not just raising an unnecessary problem due to his personal reasons, otherwise, he might have to face serious consequences.
Sample Letter
Your name
Company name
Recipient name
Dear Sir,
I hope work is coming along well. I am writing this letter to make a complaint about less salary transferred for August. If possible, I would like to arrange a meeting with you so we can negotiate this matter in detail. I have spoken to HR about this matter too but to no avail, therefore I am writing to you about this issue.
I noticed that the salary which was transferred to my account for this month was at least ten percent less than the agreed sum. This uninformed cut in my salary goes against the company agreement and policy and I wish for you to please have a look into this matter. I did not take any uninformed leaves from office in the past month, nor have I been involved in any matters of misconduct. I am unable to understand the reason behind this cut made in my salary.
I have been employed as a sales manager for the past three years in this company and have worked with motivation and dedication. My work record can prove how consistently I have led successful projects throughout my tenure here. Based on my performance, the cut in my salary was unjust. I believe my salary is not at the level of my position in the company. If the cut was made based on any problems in my performance, I am ready to be assessed and make amends.
[following paragraph is optional] …
I would like to bring to your notice that I work long hours to make ends meet. My salary is hand to mouth since I have to pay the school fee of my children and pay installments of the hefty loan, I took last year. I am the sole breadwinner of a family of five and therefore these cuts in the salary negatively affect me and leave me with a lot of stress. I was unable to pay my rent this month for this reason. I request you to please reconsider and pay the remaining salary for this month or adjust it to the next month’s salary.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Your name